Are you ready to learn what self-love is and TRULY practice it?



Program Schedule:


What is Self-love?

Week 1 

Monitoring Self-Talk

Week 2

Self-love Rituals

Week 3

Self- Love & Forgiveness

Week 4

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Week 5 

What is Self-Care?

Week 6

Meet your instructors:

Marta Spirk

Writer, podcaster and  empowerment coach. With her five-step process for self-love growth, she helps women entrepreneurs stop resenting where they are now and start becoming mentally & emotionally empowered to reach the next level in their life and business.

Through her podcast The Empowered Woman (over 60K downloads), her virtual self-improvement membership and workshops, she encourages women to focus on their most valuable asset - THEMSELVES!

Eden Busani 

A student of the greatest teachers in the history of humanity, Eden is passionate about finding meaning and purpose to life and helping others discover their hidden powers. Every person is a world of infinite resources and wisdom and my mission is to help others become more aware of how important they are to the Universe as a whole. She believes there is no Evil, only that of our minds. This is where her passion for The Law of Attraction and The Power of The Mind come in. Life is all about creating the balance between our Mind, Body and Soul, and understanding that neglecting one or the other will cause a shift in our alignment.


“I'm so grateful for Marta. She teaches us to share our gifts and walk in our purpose because that's how you empower yourself and others.” - Lisa R.

“It was great to see how women are looking for personal development and how as we grow personally we can share this with other women to empower them. We can help each other. As for the Love Languages, we're always looking for people to give us love - spouse, children, friends - but you can do it YOURSELF. You don't have to expect, depend or wait on anybody to receive love.” - Zil E.

"What I concluded about the remarkable young woman that Eden is, is that she has wisdom and insight beyond her years. She has struggled as a teenager but has managed to overcome her Obstacles, but not only that, she is on a mission to help other young people to realise and understand that there is another way to live, you can CHOOSE another way and find your personal power. None of us have all the answers, nor is there one secret to living a joyous and fulfilling life no matter how young or old. However, sharing with others and learning from others IS the secret to moving forward into success." - Tish H.


One-time Payment


Top features

  • Weekly group coaching calls
  • Daily check-ins
  • Exclusive private FB group
  • BONUS: Eden’s book The Pathway to Freedom
  • BONUS: Marta’s workshop Using Your Love Language on Yourself

2 Payments


Most Popular

  • Weekly group coaching calls
  • Daily check-ins
  • Exclusive private FB group
  • BONUS: Eden’s book The Pathway to Freedom
  • BONUS: Marta’s workshop Using Your Love Language on Yourself